dev stack:
1991 / Настоящее время


A.N.I.M.A.L. (Acosados Nuestros Indios Murieron Al Luchar) (meaning Harassed, Our Indians Died While Fighting) was a Groove metal band from Argentina.

The band was founded by the singer and guitarist Andrés Giménez in 1992 under the name of "Animal", but due to legal issues the name was changed to the spelling A.N.I.M.A.L. The band's sound is Groove Metal , (then changed to Nu Metal), and most lyrics deal with issues of ethnic minorities and indigenous people of Latin America; witnessed by song titles such as Sólo Por Ser Indios ("Only For Being Indian"), Guerra De Razas ("Race War"), Poder Latino ("Latin Power") and Raza Castigada ("Punished Race").

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Andrés Giménez
с 1991 до 2006 Гитара, Ведущий вокал
с 2015 Гитара, Ведущий вокал
Cristian Lapolla
с 2000 до 2006 Неизвестно
с 2015 Бэк вокал, Бас-гитара
Marcelo Castro
с 2000 до 2001 Ударные
с 2015 Ударные
Martín Carrizo
с 1994 до 1998 Ударные
с 2004 до 2006 Ударные
Marcelo Corvalán
с 1999 до 2006 Бас-гитара
Andrés Vilanova
с 1997 до 2000 Ударная установка
lib/muslib/membership_type_461, Бас

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