dev stack:

История Nihilistikrypt

2004 / Настоящее время

История Nihilistikrypt

NIHILISTIKRYPT was founded in 2004 in Tallinn, Estonia. They are a quartet of four able and furious musicians with up to 14 years of experience on the scene. Their current and previous bands include CATAFALC, ECTHALION, GORESOERD, IGNORABIMUS, IRDHING, SPITBLOOD and more.

NIHILISTIKRYPT plays fast and brutal death metal with a modern touch. There’s no room for pleasant melodies here. Just inexorable and severe blasting combined with groovy breakdowns, accompanied by down-to-guts growling.

NIHILISTIKRYPT released new demo on January 26th, 2008 and is currently looking for a label to release their first full-length album with new promising material.

Orc - vocals

Uziel - guitar & vocals

Doomhand - bass guitar

Ken - drums & live sampler

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