dev stack:
1969 / Настоящее время


Существуют как минимум 13 групп с таким названием

1) LEGEND are a great neo/symph-prog band from Britain, driven by the keyboardist's Tony Banks-ish leads in tandem with straight-up metal grooves from the guitarist. This English four-piece band has been together since the late Eighties, making them one of the longest-lived pagan bands around. This band plays rock influenced by folk and classical elements, and prefers complex, epic song structures. All in all though it is an album well worth listening to, although I would advise starting with "Triple Aspect" first for the true taste of LEGEND at their best.

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John Bobin
с 1969 до 1972 Бас-гитара
Mo Witham
с 1969 до 1972 Гитара
Bill Legend
с 1969 до 1970 Ударная установка
Bob Clouter
с 1970 до 1971 Ударная установка
Mickey Jupp
Ведущий вокал, Гитара, Пианино
Barney James
с 1972 до 1972 Ударная установка

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