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United States
1989 / Present


Béla Fleck and the Flecktones is a primarily instrumental group from the United States, that draws equally on bluegrass, fusion, and jazz, sometimes dubbed "blue-bop." The band formed in 1988, initially to perform once on the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) series Lonesome Pine Specials. The Flecktones have toured extensively since then, often playing over 200 concerts per year.

Frontman Béla Fleck plays acoustic and electric banjos, mixing a bluegrass and folk sound into a modern improvisational style. Fleck has received Grammy nominations for jazz, bluegrass, pop, spoken word and country.

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Victor Wooten
since 1989 Unknown
Béla Fleck
since 1989 lib/muslib/membership_type_1094
Future Man
since 1989 Unknown
Jeff Coffin
since 1997 Unknown
Howard Levy
since 1989 till 1992 Unknown

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