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2004 / Present


Punk rock band from the Basque Country, created by Evaristo from La Polla Records. We never wanted to do it, but the circumstances made us. The necessity confabulated with the occassion and we fell in the trap with no regrets. We could've avoided it, but we could've starved to death.So once again we travel the hazardous road alongside people who will see our flashy waggons, our extravagant clothes and listen our irreverent songs and make of them whatever they want. For better or worse here is GATILLAZO. Don't expect anything new, nor innovative, just like the world, we're not here to experiment. We're still with the same anger and the same desire to revolt, the enemy is still the same. A new match, a bunch of injured players, the referee always against us, a fearsome fanbase and a hungover team!

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Jon Iñaki Zubiaga
since 2005 till 2008 Unknown

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