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09 Apr 1942 — 18 Feb 2018


Heiner Stadler (April 9, 1942 – February 18, 2018) was a German - American jazz composer, record producer, pianist and arranger whose work has traversed genres including jazz, blues and country, baroque, classical, romantic and contemporary classical music. He was also the founder and CEO of Labor Records, distributed by Naxos Records.

Stadler was born April 9, 1942 in West Prussia (now part of Poland) in the town of Lessen (Łasin) in the county of Graudenz (Grudziąd). His great-grandmother was Josephine Amann-Weinlich, who founded and conducted Europe’s first women’s orchestra, the Wiener Damen-Orchester (later the Erste Europäische Damenorchester), which toured extensively, including an 1871 appearance at New York’s Steinway Hall. Stadler studied piano at the Hamburg Conservatory and composition privately with composer Walter Steffens.

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