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2007 / Present


Aucan met during their university studies and found kinship in their ideas on the relationship between music, art and contemporary philosophy. Both this interdisciplinary sensibility and the concept of permanent crisis became the band’s foundation and would encompass not only their music but as well their design work and lyrical content.Shortly after releasing their self-titled debut album they began touring Europe, building their reputation and following within the underground noise rock scene. But while their initial material could more easily be classified within specific genres, they continued to evolve beyond particular categories. Aucan began incorporating vocals into their sound as well as dubstep influenced sub-bass lines and the vibe of their music darkened. The results of this experimentation would become their 2010 DNA EP release.

Manic audience reactions to their single Crisis signaled that something fundamental had shifted. Their musical and conceptual aesthetics were solidifying into something greater than the sum of their parts. Sensing this, Aucan’s diligence intensified. Their live shows had escalated with ferocity, gaining enough recognition to open for Placebo, Tim Hecker, Antipop Consortium and Steve Aoki.

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