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1982 / Present


The band was formed in 1982 in Bratislava, Slovakia by Maťo Ďurinda (also known as Martin Ďurinda), Palo Horváth, and Ďuro Černý. Ďurinda was a student at Comenius University in Bratislava at the time where he met drummer Ďuro Černý in a wine bar called Veľkí Františkáni thanks to a friend of his. The two talked about their favorite bands such as: Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy, Nazareth, The Who, Yes, Pink Floyd, etc. After much discussion the two decided to form a rock trio much like their heroes Cream, Jimi Hendrix, and ELP (Emerson, Lake, and Palmer). But they would need a very talented bassist.

Černý remembered seeing a talented and charismatic bassist named Palo Horváth playing in a band called Mentol so they decided to visit him at his flat in a quarter of Bratislava called Dúbravka. The three hit it off and decided to jam together for the first time, eventually, they decided to form a band together. The three began practicing and writing songs on the fourth floor of Ďurinda's campus building until Ďurinda finished his schooling. With more and more songs being written, the trio wanted to sing in a style that everyone could relate to so they approached Martin Sarvaš, who was a student of architecture and good friend of Ďuro Černý to help write lyrics. Sarvaš was a lyricist for a band Černý was previously in.

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