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1986 / Present


Singer Robin McAuley (previously with Grand Prix) joined MSG for the album ''Perfect timing'' (1987) and stayed with them until the 1991 album ''MSG''. Surprisingly Schenker changed the band name from Michael Schenker Group to McAuley Schenker Group, proving that McAuley had a strong saying in the band. The sound of the band moved to more melodic hard rock from the edgier approach of the first MSG albums and actually this way they managed to deliver their finest works. ''Save yourself'' (1989) and ''MSG'' are regarded as Schenker's highlights with MSG, especially among melodic hard rock fans. With ''MSG'' they even managed to score their first hit single ''Nightmare'', a great accoustic ballad with the distinctive raw but sentimental vocals of McAuley and Schenker's wonderful melodic phrasing on both accoustic and (a little) electric guitar.



Michael Schenker
since 1986 till 1993 Guitar
Robin McAuley
since 1986 till 1993 Lead vocal
Bodo Schopf
since 1986 till 1990 Drum set
Rocky Newton
since 1986 till 1990 Bass
Steve Mann
since 1986 till 1990 Keyboard, Guitar
James Kottak
since 1990 till 1993 Drum set
Jeff Pilsen
since 1990 till 1993 Bass

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