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Faroe Islands
2008 / Present


Hamferð is a doom metal band formed in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands in 2008. Their lineup consisted of Jón Hansen, John Egholm, Esmar Joensen, Theodor Kapnas, Tinna Tótudóttir and Remi Johannesen.

Hamferð is a Faroese term for the living images of sailors appearing before their loved ones. Written recordings of these apparitions are a recurrence within the toilsome and sorrowful depths of Faroese history, and this is where Hamferð, the band, draws its inspiration. Echoing through crawling, thunderous marches of blight and wails of melancholic isolation are the greatly unexplored darker recesses within the soul of the island people. Love, loss and solitude compose the core of the bands poetic lyricism, and all is presented through funereal figures, taking the stage with mournful silence.

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