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2006 / Present

History The Pack A.D.

The Pack A.D. are from Vancouver, Canada (formed in 2006). They are known for explosive live performances and the ability to generate a massive sound with only two members (singer-songwriter / guitarist Becky Black & drummer / songwriter Maya Miller). Musical styles include garage rock, psych-pop, punk and blues rock. In the past, reviewers have compared the duo to The White Stripes, The Kills, and The Black Keys.

The band slightly evolved away from their raw early sound with their third album, We Kill Computers, and with their 2011 release, Unpersons. Their next two offerings, 2014's Do Not Engage and 2016's Positive Thinking, found them expanding their sound even further with psychedelic rock and rockabilly influences. Both members cite literature and film as huge inspiration for much of their songwriting, especially science fiction and horror genres. These inpirations are also present in their highly stylized music videos, which are often violent and visually striking homages to beloved sci-fi films.

They also like soup.

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