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История Disperse

2007 Декабрь / Настоящее время

История Disperse


Jakub Zytecki (17/02/1993) - Guitar

Rafał Biernacki (19/03/1991) - Vocal, Keyboards

Marcin Kicyk - Bass

Przemek Nycz - Drums

Группа была сформирована в декабре 2007 гитаристом Jakub Zytecki и клавишником - вокалистом Rafał Biernacki.

В 2009 вышел дебютный альбом Journey Through the Hidden Gardens.

Музыка представляет собой красивый, мелодичный прог - рок в духе Riverside, Demians...

Последние работы группы показывают, что группа вполне комфортно чувствует себя в течении прог-мат-металла и при этом не теряет своё лицо.

Disperse was formed in December 2007 in Przeworsk, Poland. The initiatiors of the band's birth were Marcin Kicyk, Rafał Biernacki and Jakub Żytecki. A year before that, Rafał and Jakub met in music school they were attending and decided to try and play together. In that way, performing in various bands, Jakub (guitar) and Rafał (keyboards and vocals) were polishing their talents, eagerly presenting them on stage on numerous occasions . During one of their concerts they were noticed by Marcin Kicyk (a base player, who at that time was studying in Przeworsk) who, very quickly, suggested a meeting. It soon turned out that the young artists share the same musical interests and, as a result, they started their first rehearsals and decided to form a band. In six months they compose four songs and in March Szymon Balicki (drums) joins the band. In that line-up Disperse plays only during rehearsals. By the end of June, due to indisposition, Szymon leaves the band and is replaced by a session drummer – Konrad Biczak (ex- Artrosis, Sacriversum). At the beginning of 2009 Konrad joins the band. Disperse starts to carry out their ideas, first compositions are created and the band thinks of recording their demo album. At the beginning of July (7-10) their first debut demo album, entitled 'Promo 2008' is recorded in SPAART studio in Boguchwała by Jacek Młodochowski. Together with Konrad, Disperse occasionally plays small concerts and performs with Brain Connect on GO-ROCK festival in Stalowa Wola. Even though Disperse works like an efficient mechanism, there were some faults within its gears. In summer of 2008 Konrad quits the band, however very soon Przemysław Nycz takes his place. Cooperation leads to mutual agreement and results in choosing appropriate musical path. Inspired by meditation, sounds of nature and bands like Cynic, ToTo, Portal, Aeon Spoke, Planet X, Devin Townsend, Allan Holdsworth the group creates new compositions, without noticeable stylistic boundaries. Vast range of musical fascinations is reflected in songs which with natural ease knock at the doors of progressive rock, fusion, jazz... Also when it comes to lyrics, the band focuses on noteworthy issues. Most often they invoke human nature, the remarkable potential of which is misused to create grounds for social pathology, generate pain and evil in the name of false good... Quite bold literary quality in comparison with the young age of musicians and their sophisticated musical taste couldn't escape the attention of constantly growing number of listeners and representatives of music scene who create both art-rock and progressive image of Polish rock scene. That pushed Disperse to thinking of recording a full-length album. The year 2009 turned out to be quite successful for the band... Disperse plays some concerts with Spiral. On the course of artistic evolution Disperse is noticed by Riverside who invite them to take part in nine concerts during their 'Anno Domini High Definition' tour of Poland. The tour marked watershed in Disperse's career, it allowed them to gain some experience. It was also a lesson of professionalism and discipline for the young band, not to mention the opportunity to make new friends and promote the new material. Plans to record debut album met with the interest of Piotr 'Mitloff' Kozieradzki, drummer of Riverside and founder of Prog Team Management, which was to inaugurate its activity releasing Disperse and Division By Zero albums. Managed by 'Mitloff', Disperse hits Progresja Studio and lead by Paweł 'Janos' Grabowski records their debut album. The album contains two songs with guest appearance of Urszula Wójcik, vocalist of Spiral. The material was mixed by Szymon Czech (Studio X) while Grzgorz Piwowski took care of mastering. At that time Disperse again was given an opportunity to promote their music, this time by performing in prestigious club – Progresja. In 2010 Disperse are reaching the final of almost year-long work on their debut album, which is released on April 5th simultaneously with Division By Zero's second LP. Disperse's 'Journey Through The Hidden Gardens' refers to the need of fulfillment and reaching one's goals which very often leads to a cycle of lost chances in finding one's true identity, beauty of nature, freedom and joy of life at the cost of expectations of the society... The album comprises nine tracks which enrapture listeners with their maturity, what in comparison with the young age of the artists makes it even more attractive. Although it might be a bit of a challenge to beat the debut material, Disperse makes us hope for even greater musical experiences in the future. Demanding and attentive listeners taken on the journey through the hidden gardens will definitely expect that. However, for the time being the band and their manager focus on promotion of the still fresh album. The promotion will be marked in Autumn by a tour with Division By Zero when the bands will perform in Poland's main cities. Before that, Disperse will promote their debut album in a concert and on the air of Polish Radio PiK on June 10th and on August 14th in picturesque Charlotta Valley near Słupsk they will support, among others, MARILLION.

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