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07 Jul 1954


Fortis was born on July 7th 1954 in Tel Aviv, Israel. He is an influential persona and is considered one of the central Rock singers in Israel. He served in the 1973 Yom Kippur war and was highly inflenced by his experiences in the front. He began his musical carreer in 1975 as a light-man in the shows of Tamuz band. In 1984 Rami Fortis left Israel to join his friend and partner, Guitar player Barry Sacharoff in Europe. Sacharoff’s band, Minimal Compact was beginning to settle in England and found a record deal with Crammed Records. At first the band operated under the name S.O.B and won fame in the Alternative Rock scene relesing several albums as well as soundtracks (among others, the Wings of Desire soundtrack by Wim Wenders).

His 1978 album “Plonter” is considered a breakthrough in the Israeli music and one of the most influencial in the history of Hebrew rock. This album was to become one of the wildest and noisisest albums ever to be recorded in Israel. Plonter was way ahead of its time and was influenced by such artists as Iggy Pop and Ramones and was characteriszed by topics and style that were unframiliar and unconventional at the time it was released.

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