The name "Wind Rose" was chosen by Claudio, Daniele and Federico, the founding members of the italian prog metal band. They started practicing together in 2007 as a Dream Theater, Symphony X and Blind Guardian cover band, playing in a lot of live shows.
When Francesco and Alessio became part of the band in 2009, Wind Rose started to write their own material: a progressive and epic one. Their first EP was released in 2010 under the care of Cristiano Bertocchi (Vision Divine, Labyrinth) having a lot of good reviews (here you can find them!). The epic success that the EP's tracks had made Wind Rose write a full-lenght album, again under Cristiano's artistic production. The album is available since 28th, August 2012 via Bakerteam Records and it will be named "Shadows over Lothadruin", based on a fantasy story written by Claudio.