Discordant, elusive, and utterly hypnotic, Loop conjured a dark, trance-like spell that contrasted sharply with the prevailing British pop music trends of their time. Touching upon the likes of the Stooges and Can in their sonic template, they resurrected the concept of space rock for a new era in tandem with fellow travelers Spacemen 3, creating droning soundscapes of bleak beauty and harsh dissonance. Their initial run lasted only a few years during the late '80s and the start of the '90s, but the three albums Loop created in that brief window drew fascination and excitement from listeners for years to come. Shortly after a 2013 reunion of the original lineup, a reconfigured version of the band began playing live, and in 2022 they released Sonancy, the first Loop album in 32 years.
Loop were formed in London in 1986 by vocalist/guitarist Robert Hampson, who at the time of the group's inception claimed to know only four chords. With wife Bex (Becky Stewart) on drums and Glen Ray on bass, they debuted with the single "16 Dreams," its raw, feedback-powered sound offering clear evidence of a serious garage fixation. New drummer John Wills was signed on a short time later, with his arrival heralding a more primal rhythmic foundation. The reconfigured Loop then issued their 1987 full-length debut, Heaven's End, winning acclaim for its densely distorted sound.