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26 Sep 1945 — 09 Nov 2022


Maria da Graça Penna Burgos Costa, know professionally as Gal Costa, was a Brazilian singer, songwriter and musician. Considered one of the most diverse singers in Brazil and the world, Gal moved across all musical genres and was the best-placed Brazilian singer on the list of 200 greatest singers of all time by Rolling Stone magazine, as well as being elected by Time magazine, one of the 10 greatest singers in the world.

Gal became one of Brazil's foremost Tropicália counterculture movement singers during the late 1960s and early 70s, quickly earning the title as one of the best and most acclaimed singers in Brazil, following a very succesful career with many hits and prestige over the years. During Tropicália, she became a political activist, coming into conflict with Brazil's government when dissent in music was censored, and later coming to represent the movement all alone in her country when her fellow Tropicália members and friends were exhiled to London due to the heavy dictatorship that was going on at the time.

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