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United States
2004 February / Present


Warpaint is a psychedelic rock band which formed in 2004 in Los Angeles, California, United States. The band consists of Theresa Wayman (solo pseudonym TT) (vocals, guitar), Emily Kokal (vocals, guitar), Jenny Lee Lindberg (solo pseudonym Jennylee) (vocals, bass), and Stella Mozgawa (drums). The band's original drummer, Shannyn Sossamon, left the band in 2008. The band had multiple temporary drummers until Mozgawa joined in 2009.

The band weaves intricate guitar lines, hypnotic vocals, and driving post-punk rhythms into gorgeous, sprawling songs that skirt the line between the soundscapes of psychedelia and intimacy. The group has gone through many line-up changes, including actress Shannyn Sossamon and Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Josh Klinghoffer.

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since 2004 Guitar, Lead vocal
Emily Kokal
since 2004
Theresa Wayman
since 2004
Stella Mozgawa
since 2009 Unknown
Shannyn Sossamon
since 2004 till 2008

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