One of the first active krautrock units, Amon Düül grew out of a commune in Munich, Germany that mixed radical political criticism with a unique vision of free-form improvisation tied to American psychedelic rock.
Such open-ended and non-musical origins made the later activity of the group quite confusing, as a quartet of (slightly) more musically inclined members branched out in 1969 as Amon Düül II. Meanwhile, the original Amon Düül continued releasing albums, most of which had actually been recorded during a single jam session by the entire conglomeration in 1969. Though Amon Düül ceased recording material by 1972, frequent reissues during the decade -- and the resumption of the Amon Düül name by several Amon Düül II alumni in the 1980s -- resulted in still more confusion. Listeners unfamiliar with the lineup of every Amon Düül-related release can content themselves with the fact that the main line of the group began with Amon Düül in the late '60s and moved to Amon Düül II for the 1970s recordings.