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United States
2008 October / Present


X Ambassadors is an American alternative rock band hailing from Ithaca, New York. The band was formed in 2009 by brothers Sam and Casey Harris, and childhood friend Noah Feldshuh. Initially, the group started out playing local gigs and self-releasing music, but their unique sound soon caught the attention of record labels.

The band's music is an eclectic mix of genres, including alternative rock, indie rock, and pop. They are known for their energetic and emotional live performances, which are often accompanied by elaborate visuals and lighting.

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Casey Harris
since 2009 Lead vocal, Background vocals, Percussion, Bass, Keyboard
Noah Feldshuh
since 2009 Guitar
Sam Nelson
since 2009 Lead vocal, Percussion, Guitar, Bass, Saxophone
Adam Levin
since 2010 Drum set

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