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1982 / Present

History The Beatniks

There are three bands named the Beatniks, (1) japanese, (2) brazilian and (3) norwegian:


Yukihiro Takahashi (of YMO fame) and Keiichi Suzuki of the Moonriders sometimes collaborated as the a duo The Beatniks, although Suzuki essentially functioned as a member of Takahashi's backing band during the Moon Riders' brief hiatus).


Well, there are not much infos around for records or even the band. All that is known, that the are from Brazil. They just did some singles, wich are collected on compilation (Mocambo 3.145). Also a EP by the Beatniks was released with the name "Outside Chance".


The Beatniks is a norwegian rockband from the Shadows era, established in 1961. Debut record was the single "Kili watch" where the band contributed as backing band for Rannie Rommen. Fist solo single was "Flickorna i Småland" released the same year through Kjell Karlsens record lable Viking. The Beatniks reached great popularity in Norway and Sweden, and won the nordic championship for Shadows-like bands. The band is still active.

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