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1998 / Present


When it comes to French Black Metal, Temple of Baal is often mentioned as an example of integrity and excellence. Formed in 1998 in Paris, with two full-length (Servants of the Beast and Traitors to Mankind) a number of split EPs, they gained a strong live reputationand shared the stage with acts such as Deströyer 666, Watain and Revenge. Temple of Baal is one of the most respected bands of the French Black Metal scene.

Ten years after their inception, Temple of Baal released their third album, Lightslaying Rituals. Blending occult Black Metal atmospheres, Death Metal aggression, intense guitar leads with the darkest aspects of spirituality, “Lightslaying Rituals” was released on November the 27th 2009 on Agonia Records. In 2013, the band released Verses of Fire.


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