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20 Aug 1931 — 13 Feb 2023


Alain Goraguer (August 20, 1931, Rosny sous Bois, France) was a French jazz pianist, sideman of Boris Vian and Serge Gainsbourg, arranger and composer. He reached his creative peak in the 1960s and 1970s. He also recorded and composed the soundtrack to the film Fantastic Planet.

His family was from Nice, on the coast of the Mediterranean, where young Alain studied the piano. He abandoned the violin without remorse, and at the age of twenty had an influential encounter with pianist Jack Diéval, passing through Nice, who firmly advised him to give up everything for the piano. At the same time, Alain studied harmony with Julien Falk, and soon won second place in an amateur jazz competition.

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Alain Goraguer et son orchestre
Alain Goraguer et son trio
lib/muslib/membership_type_1094, Piano

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