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1958 April / Present


The BBC Radiophonic Workshop was one of the sound effects departments of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), which was created in 1958 in order to create new effects and music for radio programmes, and was closed in March 1998. By that time, most of their traditional work had been outsourced to other companies.

They were based in the BBC's Maida Vale studios in London, gradually growing outwards from the then legendary Room 13. The techniques and music that they produced has made the department one of the biggest influences on electronic music then and today.

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Dick Mills
since 1958 till 1993 Unknown
Malcolm Clarke
since 1969 till 1995 Unknown
Glynis Jones
since 1973 till 1998 Unknown
Roger Limb
since 1972 till 1995 Unknown
Elizabeth Parker
since 1977 till 1996 Unknown
Paddy Kingsland
since 1970 till 1981 Unknown
Delia Derbyshire
since 1962 till 1973 Unknown
John Baker
since 1963 till 1974 Unknown
Richard Attree
since 1987 till 1998 Unknown
Brian Hodgson
since 1962 till 1972 Unknown
Richard Yeoman-Clark
since 1970 till 1978 Unknown
Maddalena Fagandini
since 1959 till 1966 Unknown
David Cain
since 1967 till 1973 Unknown
Jonathan Gibbs
since 1983 till 1986 Unknown
Daphne Oram
since 1958 till 1959 Unknown
Jenyth Worsley
since 1961 till 1962 Unknown
Mark Ayres
Tony Askew

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