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History Taak

2005 November / Present

History Taak

Taak (meaning "a heavy burden") was establisehd in November of 2005 as a parallel band of Dawn Of Gehenna. Taak has the same line-up as Dawn Of Gehenna and plays the same music, only the lyrics are in Estonian. As a direct descendant of Dawn Of Gehenna, which is a direct descendant of Mystique (est. 1989), Taak may be among the oldest active doom rock bands in the world.

Taak call their music ugri-doom, meaning slow and Sabbathesque yet punchy kind of old school hard-rock combined with lyrics that – through a prism of self-irony – deal with Hyperborean angst and the bleakness brought on by daylight deprivation depression.


Andrus 'Anz' Rohula - drums

Kaido 'Tsunami' Tiits - guitar

Mart Kalvet - vocals

Kristjan 'Christ' Virma - keyboards

Urmas Jõgi - guitar

Ott 'Otipowitch' Oras - bass

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