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History Acrimony

United Kingdom
1991 / Present

History Acrimony

There are several bands named Acrimony:

1) Acrimony was a psychedelic stoner/doom metal(Space Doom) band from Wales. They produced quite long songs (sometimes almost jams), with monolithic down-tuned riffs. 1st album Hymns to the Stone was released in 1994, second - Tumuli Shroomaroom, in 1997. Tumuli Shroomaroom translated means "My underground mushroom meditation chamber" and was recorded at the Square Centre, Nottingham amongst psychedelic shamanism, tales of ancient celts, ufo's, bong hits, cheap cider, and mushroom love.

All Music Guide wrote in their synopsis of the band, "they combined Black Sabbath's heavy metal riffery, Hawkwind's space rock excursions and Blue Cheer's fuzzed-out psychedelic feedback... and were particularly reminiscent of desert metal gods Kyuss".

2) A death metal band from Turkey.

3) A Technical Thrash Metal band from Poland. They released just one album - In Unknown Direction.

4) A Mexican goregrind band.

5) An Indian progressive metal band. Check them out on

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