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1992 / Present


The 3rd and the Mortal was an experimental band from Trondheim, Norway that was formed in 1992. The band started out as a doom metal band mixing distorted guitars and heavy drumming with clean guitars and female vocals from Kari Rueslåtten. The band then experimented with genres such as ambient, progressive rock, jazz, electronica and trip-hop.

The 3rd and the Mortal were one of the forerunners of the atmospheric metal scene having been one of the first to have a leading female singer, they inspired bands such as The Gathering, Flowing Tears and Nightwish. Their first EP Sorrow was released in 1993 followed by the album Tears Laid In Earth in 1994. After Rueslåtten's departure in 1995 the band had Ann-Mari Edvardsen join as vocalist. With her the band released full length albums Painting on Glass in 1996 and explored an even more experimental sound in 1997 with In this room.

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Kari Rueslåtten
since 1992 till 1994 Lead vocal
Ann-Mari Edvardsen
since 1995 till 1997 Lead vocal

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