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History Redruth

/ Present

History Redruth

Blending a powerful rock sound with strong lyrics, the core of this band is a desire to present songs that answer questions, give hope, build faith and change lives for Christ.

Founding members of Redruth, twin brothers Stephen and Keith Heffernan, first started the band mid 2007. After growing up gaining experience playing in various bands, they both reached a point where they desired God's will, not their own, for their music and lives. It was a new beginning. Redruth was born.

The name Redruth came from the story of their Great Great Grandmother, Jane Bolitho Reed, who had family connection with a town called Redruth in Cornwall, England. She was a great woman of Faith who had reached a similar point in her own life, before travelling to Africa as a missionary, and ultimately settling in Australia.

Stephen and Keith began recording the songs they had been writing, songs that spoke of hope, faith and confidence in God. Not knowing exactly what would happen, or how it would all work out, Stephen and Keith just kept at it, believing it was what God wanted them to do. Before long, the album "Rescue" was completed.

Redruth have since gone on to have the album released in Koorong stores Australia wide, and worldwide through itunes and via Paypal on their myspace page. Redruth have played at major music festivals, youth groups, outreach events, youth conferences and more.

Redruth's music ministry also opened up opportunities for their other passion, filmmaking, and they believe that God will use both mediums to change lives.

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