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1973 / Present


Anzen Chitai (安全地帯) was one of Japan's most successful pop bands in the 1980s.

Formed in 1973 as the high-school garage band Invader in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, its original members included vocalist Koji Tamaki(玉置浩二), guitarist Yutaka Takezawa (武沢豊), and guitarist / keyboardist Toshiya Takezawa (武沢俊也, Yutaka's brother). Later in 1973, drummer Kazuyoshi Tamaki (玉置一芳, Koji's brother) and bassist Takahiro Miyashita (宮下隆宏) joined. In 1977, the band changed its name to Anzen Chitai ("Safety Zone"), and Kazuyoshi Tamaki left the group, to be replaced by Ichiji Ohira (大平市治). By December 1977, Anzen Chitai merged with another band, the Haruyoshi Rokudo Band (六土開正バンド), and added three more members: bassist Haruyoshi Rokudo (六土開正), guitarist Wataru Yahagi (矢萩渉), and drummer Yuji Tanaka (田中裕二). By this point, they had expanded to an eight-member group. Within the next three years, Toshiya Takezawa and Takahiro Miyashita would leave. Yuji Tanaka would also leave at this point.

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