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1989 / Present


Baby Animals are a hard rock band from Australia, formed in 1989 by vocalist Suze DeMarchi, drummer Frank Celenza, guitarist Dave Leslie and bass player Eddie Parise. They scored an immediate domestic No. 1 single with “Early Warning” and featured further Top 10 hits with “Painless”, “Rush You” and “One Word”. Their eponymous debut album Baby Animals was released in February 1992 and went multi-platinum. In 1993, the group released Shaved and Dangerous and attempted to break into the international market. However, in 1995, on the verge of their first major US tour, their US-based record company Imago Records folded. Following contractual problems and DeMarchi requiring surgery for her vocal cords, the band split in early 1996. DeMarchi eventually married guitarist Nuno Bettencourt of Boston-based Extreme and released a solo album, Telelove in 1999.

Baby Animals reformed in 2007 and released an acoustic CD of their hits entitled "Il Grande Silenzio" on January 19th 2008, as part of the Liberation Blue Acoustic Series. January 21st 2008 saw Liberation Records re-release their previous two albums ("Baby Animals" and "Shaved and Dangerous" remastered) as a 2 CD set, albeit missing the track "Big Time Friends". The band also toured Australia in January 2008 and appeared live on the Australian breakfast TV program "Sunrise" on January 22nd 2008.

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Suze DeMarchi
since 1989 till 1994 Unknown
Dave Leslie
since 1989 till 1994 Unknown
Eddie Parise
since 1989 till 1994 Unknown
Frank Celenza
since 1989 till 1994 Unknown

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