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14 Feb 1965


Warren Ellis (born 1965, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia) is an Australian multi-instrumentalist and composer; member of Dirty Three, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and Grinderman; he also score films in partnership with Nick Cave: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis. Originally a Melburnian, Warren now lives in Paris, with his wife and two children. He primarily plays violin, but also piano; bouzouki, guitar, flute, mandolin and programs loops. Ellis is known for his excessive and eccentric, though amusing banter between songs during Dirty Three live shows.

In the early '80s Ellis moved to Melbourne and completed a Dip. Ed. in Music and English. He then spent a few years teaching in secondary schools before resigning; after this he wrote music for theatre groups in Melbourne, and played with several groups and individuals - Charlie Marshall, The Blackeyed Susans, Kim Salmon , Tex Perkins and Dave McComb before he formed, in 1992, the Dirty Three with Jim White and Mick Turner.

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Member of

Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
since 1995 Accordion, Background vocals, lib/muslib/membership_type_27, Violin, lib/muslib/membership_type_108, Mandolin, Piano, lib/muslib/membership_type_522, Percussion, lib/muslib/membership_type_87, lib/muslib/membership_type_95
since 2006 Unknown
The Blackeyed Susans
since 1992 till 1993 Unknown

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